Accessories & Furnishings
back to school

Accessories & Furnishings
back to school
Yesterday, I set aside my to-do list and the heaping mound of project work on my desk and went
back to school. I was thrilled (okay, maybe a bit terrified as well) to present about my career in the interior design industry at the 2nd Annual Oak Park High School Career Symposium. To be honest, I felt a little inadequate.
I mean, what could I possibly share that would capture the interest of high school students past roll call? To get myself in the right frame of mind, I turned to
Restoration Hardware's Baby & Child Collection and fell in love with these lovely vintage style school house images!
I am gushing over this play table. It's so raw and industrial looking, yet it's kid friendly too. Wrapped in sheet metal, this table top can take a lot of abuse!
Vintage Schoolhouse Play Table
, Restoration Hardware Baby and Child, $449 USD.
I love everything about this schoolroom desk. The Driftwood finish, silver accents and distressed details...what child could possibly fall asleep in an adorable desk like this?
English Schoolroom Desk, Restoration Hardware Baby and Child, $599 USD.
And finally, I was delighted when I came across this new globe, which is so stylish it can double as sculpture. I don't know about you, but I would have definitely caught on to Geography quicker had I studied a gorgeous globe like this one!
Moon Desk Globe, Restoration Hardware Baby and Child, $59 USD.
Question: Why did schools ever lose their charm and character? amy*
Amy Walters is a Winnipeg-based design enthusiast and blogger. For more design inspiration from Amy, check out her blog
