Accessories & Furnishings
funky bunky playhouses for kids

Accessories & Furnishings
funky bunky playhouses for kids
Maybe it's the craze for everything
Alice in Wonderland right now - think bizarre angles and trippy, kid-pleasing colour schemes - but I thought these were rather cute.
Do you not totally wish you were five years old all over again? These playhouses are from Canadian-based companyÂ
Funky Bunky, and it's impossible not to smile at the crazy, cartoonish construction: angled walls, tilted windows and a sloping twisted roof, with customizable colours and themes. Coolest of all, you can design your very own custom Funky Bunky
online (it actually comes together before your eyes, based on your specifications - seriously, SO much fun!). Here's my custom-designed Funky Bunky... (Or it would be, if I was indeed five years old again. Ahem.)

It's all about the porch!