Accessories & Furnishings
margot austin on martha stewart's blog

Accessories & Furnishings
margot austin on martha stewart's blog
It all started on Thurs, when I got the call that I would have 7-10 minutes to interview Martha Stewart that Saturday. Only 2 other media outlets would be given similar access. Yay! Martha came to Toronto last Saturday to take in Canada Blooms and promote her new product line at Home Depot. Here are the highlights: 1 My hands and nails were a mess from weeks of painting and DIY projects. Did a quick home manicure Friday night. As I was backing out of my driveway Sat, saw at least 3 nails were already chipped. Drat. Thank goodness it was very pale nail polish (plus we all know Martha has worker hands so I thought she might not notice). 2 Couldn`t decide what to wear. Decided on my red jacket and blue and white striped T -- Springy and nautical. On my way out the door realized there were pen marks on the jacket. YIKES! Quick change. Not happy with final choice (boo). 3 My curls are unruly. Sat was a very bad hair day. (boo) 4 There was a major entourage: about 5 PR people, plus a few people from Home Depot. 5 Martha`s handshake is the fingers-only kind. Weird. Ladylike but firm. 6 Tested my tape recorder many times before entering the interview. Worked fine. Sat down in the room. Pressed Record. It just beeped and wouldn`t work. She was in full sell mode -- talking talking talking before I even asked a question. I actually said excuse me and admitted the recording trouble. No luck. Then she gave me the classic Martha scold: "I guess you`re just going to have to take notes." I smiled, shrugged, apologized and started writing immediately! 7 I felt I was just getting started when a PR rep said "One more question." GAH! 8 We ended the discussion on paint. It was when she mentioned Francesca -- a colour named for one of her French bulldogs -- that our true bonding began. We talked paint for a few seconds and then went right to the important stuff: our mutual love of Frenchies. Here`s a pic of her Francesca and my Lulu -- cuties, no?
9 I gave her the Sept 2007 STYLE AT HOME and showed her the pic of Lulu in the story on my kitchen reno. Not only did she love the shot and my pup, but she also loved my kitchen. Martha loved my kitchen!
10 I politely pushed my way through the throng of people waiting for her to speak on the main stage and made my way to the media platform. How was Martha`s presentation? Meh. But I still love her -- oh, and did I mention that she loves my kitchen? Learn more about my chat with Martha in upcoming issues of STYLE AT HOME. Needless to say I`ll be spending hours with all the paint chips, but here are my other favourites from Martha`s new line at Home Depot:
1 Baluster lamp $99. Lovely cerused finish, great scale. 2 Regency fountain, $169.99. Love the simplicity. 3 Fretwork outdoor rug, $119. One of these for my deck please! 4 Ribbed glass 3-in-1 convertible pendant, $59.99. Classic vintage look and adaptable to different ceiling heights. Nice.