Accessories & Furnishings
non-traditional valentine's day cards

Accessories & Furnishings
non-traditional valentine's day cards
For anyone that knows me, it’s obvious that a sense of humour and quick wit are the keys to my heart. I’m
that girl who will laugh in awkward situations and make a sarcastic joke in even more awkward situations. Fun fact: I’m not great in awkward situations. Leave it to
Valentine’s Day, a day stereotypical of emotional oversharing,
red decor and
chocolate cupcakes, to let my sarcastic soul shine. As much as I’m an advocate for reminding the ones you love how special they are, I always gravitate towards the fun and sassy over the sentimental. The way I see it, whether you're married, in a new relationship, single or having a laugh with a friend, these Etsy greeting cards will make someone smile this Valentine's Day (and what more can you ask for?).
You Melt My Cold Black Heart, PaperSocietyCo, $5.
Love Sick, Say It With Sarcasm, $5.95.
Awkward Dating Card, emilymcdowelldraws, $5.13.
You Always Bring Me Snacks, sadshop, $5.70.
Anti Valentine's Day, adelynSTONE, $4.56.
Which card do you like best?
