Accessories & Furnishings
throwback thursday: what year is this style at home cover from?

Accessories & Furnishings
throwback thursday: what year is this style at home cover from?
Being a new year (can you believe it's 2014?), we're taking time to look back at the past year and then some. There's something refreshing about January with an entire 12 months of possibility ahead (
New Year's resolutions, anyone?) and so many accomplishments behind us. It's making us quite nostalgic with
Style at Home's growth so we went back and found an old January cover to really inspire how far we've come! Can YOU guess what year this #ThrowbackThursday cover is from?
Be sure to check back tomorrow to see if you were right! Here's a clue: You can find the year if you search through our old
Style at Home covers
UPDATE: This cover is from 2004 - did you guess right? {Photography: Ted Yarwood}
