Arren Williams and The Solair Chair

The Solair’s replaceable seat is a snap to switch out if you fancy a change of colour.
Arren Williams and The Solair Chair
Arren Williams gives us the then and now on this chic ’70s seat that’s having its moment in the sun, again!
Designed in 1972, during the swinging design scene that followed Montreal’s Expo 67, the Solair chair is the little seat that could. Conceived by Italian designers Fabio Fabiano and Michelange Panzini to be bright in colour and simple in form, the Quebec-made chair has gone through somewhat of a renaissance, even so far as having garnered a coveted spot in the permanent collection of the Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec.
Fondly dubbed the Motel chair, it was a staple in front of many a motel room or scattered around a concrete pool, where it added a certain je ne sais quoi from a design perspective thanks to its affordability, durability and happy pop of colour. Fast-forward to the 21st century, and the style world is once again in love with Mid-Century Modern design, and with it the Solair. Now it’s become a must-have in the outdoor spaces of homes across the country, whether that be a Victorian front porch or a cool condo balcony. Farther afield, the chair has been spotted in the hipster enclaves of California’s Palm Springs and Silverlake, and even London’s Hackney hood.
While the Solair for sure has all the right curves, it’s not the only round seat on the patio. We think the Mexican-inspired Concha chair, with its strappy handwoven vibe available in a slew of hot colours, looks good indoors or out. For a more boho look, and – dare we say – to live your best “coastal grandma” life, then the Loring would be hard to beat. Diane Keaton, eat your heart out.