holiday dessert: peppermint bark

holiday dessert: peppermint bark
Who needs trifle or buche Noël for holiday dessert when you can serve delicious peppermint bark. For those of us who love our candy canes (and who also love our chocolate) there's really nothing better. And sure homemade bark is incredible - in fact
Canadian Living has an excellent recipe. But if you don't have time there's no better store bought bark than
William-Sonoma's famous The Original Peppermint Bark.
If the photo above isn't enough to convince you how fabulous the William- Sonoma peppermint bark is, read this description from their website: "Master candymakers pour semisweet chocolate onto a confectioner's table, then add a layer of creamy white chocolate. A sprinkling of crisp handmade peppermint candy bits offers an inspired contrast to the rich, velvety smoothness of the world-class chocolate." I don't know about you but I'm hungry. And I'm craving peppermint bark right now.
