new-use tuesdays: aluminum foil

new-use tuesdays: aluminum foil
I’ve always admired my mother, the ultimate frugal homemaker. No matter what issue popped up (and something always did), she had a handy solution, often repurposing something readily available in our home. In tribute to her, I’m starting “new-use Tuesdays” – a weekly dose of you new ways to utilize familiar items. This week I’m putting the spotlight on aluminum foil.
I’d be totally lost without aluminum foil. I love it for easy campfire-style potatoes in the
slow cooker (just wrap them individually and toss right in!), and I always line my bakeware with it to make cleanup a snap. But if you only use your aluminum foil for your cooking, you’re seriously missing out. Discover three of this go-to’s alter egos. 1. Paint guard: Next time you
paint, keep those doorknobs and cabinetry hardware clean the easy way by covering them with aluminum foil. It’s easier and more effective than using painter’s tape. 2. Scouring pad stand-in: When you have some badly burnt on food on your ovenware but don’t have a scouring pad handy, a scrunched-up ball of aluminum foil can do the trick. Just be sure to spot test first! 3. Makeshift funnel: When you set a beautifully table, you don’t want to put out dressings, sauces and condiments in their lacklustre original packaging. Use aluminum foil to create an ersatz funnel for transferring them in and out of your
serveware with ease. (Less mess and less waste makes Mary a happy hostess.) Do you have any other uses for this household staple? Leave a comment below.
