celebrity chef tyler florence unveils his new cookbook

celebrity chef tyler florence unveils his new cookbook
Count on Tyler Florence to make even the most daunting of dishes seem simple. The celeb chef and restaurateur showed off his master cooking skills at this year's
Delicious Food Show in Toronto – and it wasn't long before stomachs started growling, the audience's not-so-silent plea for a bite.
The renowned chef cooked up a stuffed porchetta in what felt like minutes, accompanied by a buttered turnip puree and apple mustard. The recipe can be found in his latest cookbook,
Inside the Test Kitchen, which hits book stands next week.
His goal? To reinvent everyone's favourite
comfort food so that even novice cooks feel like they stand a chance. The hardcover also resembles a notebook, speaking to the idea that it's meant as a journal filled with quick tips and
easy recipes instead of something more intimidating.
Inside the Test Kitchen is jam-packed with 120 innovative dishes, like onion rings crusted with French fries (drool!) and a rich hollandaise sauce that can be whipped up in three minutes.
If one thing's for sure, it's that when it comes to cooking, Tyler Florence believes in breaking boundaries.
Photos courtesy of foodnetwork.com and amazon.com.
