valentine's day diy idea: cook for the cure

valentine's day diy idea: cook for the cure
Valentine's Day we encourage our stylish readers to get creative, have fun, and support a worthy cause. The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation challenges you to host your own
Cook for the Cure event this Valentine's Day with their sweet DIY party kit.
The party kit is downloadable
here and comes equipped with decorations, labels, invitations, place cards, and coasters. It also provides tips for fundraising for your party, as well as a couple tantalizing recipes presented by chef Lynn Crawford and KitchenAid. And for every party hosted, KitchenAid will donate $50 to the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, so plan your parties and run your bake sales to help breast cancer research!
The Cook for the Cure program, along with the pink product collection, has raised $2.1 million for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation since 2002 thanks to its partnership with KitchenAid Canada. Check out the
website to find out how you can contribute to this cause, whether you want to throw a party or donate to one.
Also, if you've been looking to buy a brand new mixer, this may be the perfect time to treat yourself! For every KitchenAid Raspberry Ice Stand Mixer sold, KitchenAid Canada will donate $75 to the foundation. It's a win-win for everyone!
How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?
