Strawberry tea

Strawberry tea
Strawberry tea
- Kettle
- Water (for boiling)
- Strawberries
- Strawberry leaves
- Tea bag (optional)
- Tea cup
1 Fill the kettle with fresh water. Bring the water to a boil, then pour some into your teacup or teapot to warm it up.
2 Discard the water.
3 Place four slices of strawberry fruit and a pinch of strawberry leaves and stems into a tea bag or teapot. Pour the boiled water (which should be between 176 to 185°F/80 to 85°C) over the tea and cover with a saucer or a lid. Allow the tea to steep for three minutes.
4 Remove the tea bag or pour the tea from the teapot using a tea strainer and savor the delicious sweet strawberry taste. You can place a strawberry flower or one slice of fruit in the cup to serve. The tea has a beautiful pale pink color.
For cold tea
1 Put the fresh fruit and leaves into a mason jar or a jug and fill with cold water. Increase the quantity of fruit and leaves according to the size of your container; I use six strawberries, two leaves, and about 1 quart (1 liter) of water.
2 Cover the jar or jug with a lid to stop in sects from flying in.
3 Place outside in direct sunlight for about five hours, depending on the sun's intensity. The warmth of the sun will bring out the flavor of the fruit.
4 Strain through a jelly bag or fine-mesh sieve into a jug, and refrigerate until chilled. Serve with ice cubes that have strawberries fro zen inside and a few strawberry flowers sprinkled on the top. This is an impressive and refreshing summer tea.
1 Strawberries and mint have always been great partners. Prepare as before, adding a sprig of fresh mint leaves to the cup of strawberry tea. You can leave the mint leaves in the cup as you drink.
2 Blend strawberry with hyssop for an antioxidant-boosting tea. Put two or three slices of strawberry, a small pinch of strawberry leaves, and a pinch of hyssop leaves into a tea bag or teapot and steep as before.
Note: Strawberries can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
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Excerpted from Homegrown Tea: An Illustrated Guide to Planting, Harvesting and Blending Teas and Tisanes by Cassie Liversidge. Recipes Copyright © 2014 Cassie Liversidge. Photography copyright © Cassie Liversidge. Excerpted by permission of Cassie Liversidge and St. Martins Griffin. All Rights Reserved.