Tomato Tart

Recipes Shira Blustein and Brian Luptak | Photography Gabriel Cabrera
Tomato Tart
Vegetables that are farmed or foraged locally are the focus of Acorn by Shira Blustein and Brian Luptak. The book, named for Shira’s internationally recognized Vancouver restaurant, elevates plant-based cuisine with a year’s worth of seasonal dishes. These recipes from the spring section will expand your idea of what vegetarian fare can offer, pleasing the most demanding epicure.
Serves 6
- 6 Almond & Hazelnut Tart Shells (see below)
- 1½ cups Herbed Hazelnut Dip (see below)
- 1 recipe Marinated Tomatoes (see below)
- 2 cups basil leaves
- Edible blossoms and herbs, for garnish
Lay out six plates and place one tart shell on each. Fill each tart shell with ¼ cup Herbed Hazelnut Dip.
Strain the tomatoes from the olive oil (reserving the oil) and top each tart with approximately 1/4 cup tomatoes. Drizzle the olive oil marinade over the tart and plate.
Garnish with basil leaves, edible blossoms and herbs.
Makes 6 shells
- ¾ cup raw hazelnuts
- ¾ cup ground raw almonds
- 3 tbsp potato starch
- 2 tbsp tapioca starch
- 1 tsp salt
- ½ tsp black pepper
- 2 sprigs thyme, leaves picked
- 1 tsp agave or maple syrup
- Olive oil, for tart moulds
Note You need six round, removable-bottom tart moulds for this recipe, each approximately 3½ to 4 inches in diameter and ½ to ¾ inch tall. If you would prefer to bake the tart shells rather than dehydrate them, you can do that in a 350°F oven for 20 minutes; baking them will turn up the crunch!
Place all the dry ingredients and the thyme in a food processor and blitz until it reaches as fine a consistency as possible. With the machine still running, add ¼ cup water and the agave syrup; continue to blend until everything is well mixed, stopping to scrape down the sides halfway through. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and finish mixing by hand, making sure there are no dry spots and that everything is fully incorporated.
Lightly brush the inside of your tart moulds with olive oil. Divide the dough into six and press into the moulds. Place the moulds directly onto the dehydrator tray and dehydrate on high (160°F) for 6 hours. After 6 hours, separate the shells from the moulds and return them to the dehydrator for 6 more hours. Store in an airtight container lined with paper towel at room temperature for up to 7 days.
Makes 2 cups
- 1 cup olive oil
- 4 cloves garlic, sliced
- 2 sprigs dill
- 2 sprigs basil
- 1 tsp salt
- ½ tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp sugar
- ½ tsp red pepper flakes
- 2 cups halved baby gem tomatoes
Place all the ingredients, except the tomatoes, in a saucepot on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool for 15 minutes, then pass through a strainer, reserving both the liquid and solids. Place the tomatoes in an airtight container and pour the liquid overtop (make sure it is completely cooled first). Allow to marinate for at least 3 hours in the fridge before serving; the longer the better. Store in an airtight
container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Makes 2 cups

Photo: Gabriel Cabrera
- 1 cup raw hazelnuts, skins off
- 2 cloves garlic
- ¼ cup diced shallots
- 1 tsp salt
- ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
- 2 tsp flaked nutritional yeast
- ½ cup basil, chopped
- ¼ cup dill, chopped
- ¼ cup chives, chopped
Place the hazelnuts and 3 cups water in a bowl or 32-ounce Mason jar and cover. Soak in the fridge overnight for approximately 8 to 10 hours. When ready, strain and rinse the hazelnuts, discarding the soaking liquid.
Add the soaked hazelnuts, garlic, shallots, salt, apple cider vinegar, ¾ cup water, nutritional yeast, and three-quarters of the herbs (basil, dill and chives) into a food processor. Blend until smooth. Add the remaining herbs and blend again until the herbs are incorporated but still visible. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.