DIY Projects
new-use tuesdays: nail polish

DIY Projects
new-use tuesdays: nail polish
Even the most low-maintenance among us have a bottle of clear nail polish in a drawer somewhere. If your nails aren't seeing much of it (overdue for a mani-pedi?), you can still get some use out of your nail polish. Check out a few other surfaces around the house that could use a quick coat.
1. Thread tread: Whether it's a lace tablecloth or a button on your favourite blouse, you can keep a loose thread from unraveling further with a a dab of clear nail polish. 2. Rust proofer: A pristine white bath tub deck or vanity looses it's appeal instantaneously when a ring of rust forms beneath a can of shaving cream. Prevent this eyesore by painting the circumference of the can's bottom with nail polish. 3. Screw tightener: If you're finding that you're having to tighten a specific screw frequently, remove it, coat the thread with polish and reinsert. As it dries, the nail polish will harden, creating a stronger bond.
Got any useful application for nail polish around the house? Let me know!
