DIY Projects
Project: Desktop catchall

DIY Projects
Project: Desktop catchall
24" x 36" (¼"-thick) foam core
1 yard (45"-wide) cotton print in green and white
½ yard (45"-wide) cotton print in light blue polka-dot
2 yards (½"-wide) velvet ribbon in teal
2 medium self-coverable buttons
Scrap of polka-dot fabric in brown
1 package double-fold bias tape in brown
Fabric glue
Straight-edge ruler (preferably metal)
Craft cutting board
Craft knife and blade
Sewing machine with a cording foot
Iron and ironing board
Stitch Kit
Skill Level: 301
Makes two 8" x 5" boxes and one 9" x 12" box.
Cut the foam core
1 Use a pencil to label the size of each piece before cutting. On the foam core, mark:
1 piece: 9" x 11½"
2 pieces: 2½" x 11½"
2 pieces: 9" x 2½"
5 pieces: 5" x 5"
6 pieces: 5" x 8"
2 Using a ruler and craft knife, cut the pieces out of foam core.
Prepare the large paper box
3 From the green cotton, cut:
2 pieces: 17" x 19½"
Place the pieces Right sides together.
4 Place one 9" x 11½" and four 9" x 2½" foam pieces over the Wrong side of the fabric pieces, as shown. Leave ¼" between the facing 9" sides.
5 At the corners, use fabric chalk to mark a square along the foam core pieces, 1/8" from the edges.
Stitch the large paper box
6 Pin at the mark lines and remove the foam core pieces.
7 Stitch 1/8" from the marked lines toward the outside edge. Trim ¼" from the stitch lines and put the fabric squares aside.
8 Press the seam lines flat and turn the fabric cover inside out.
9 Place the 9" x 11½" foam inside the center. Using chalk, mark around the foam piece on the side that will be the box’s inside. Remove the foam.
10 Stitch around the two long ends and one short end mark at the center.
11 Replace the foam piece at the center and, using a cording foot, stitch the center closed.
Finish the large box.
12. Place the remaining four foam core pieces at sides. Holding up one side in place, tuck in fabric at top and glue closed. Repeat for all sides.
13 Hand-stitch two corners together until the pieces form a box.
14 Using fabric glue, glue the bias tape over the top edges all around the box, folding the ends under.
Prepare the small paper box
15 From the green cotton, cut:
1 piece: 20 ½" x 18"
From the blue cotton, cut:
1 piece: 20 ½" x 18"
Place the pieces Right sides together.
16 Place three 5" x 8" foam pieces and two 5" x 5" foam pieces over the Wrong side of the fabric pieces. Leave ¼" between the facing sides.
17 At the corners, use fabric chalk to mark a square along the foam core pieces, 1/8" from edges.
Stitch the small paper box
18 Pin at the mark lines and remove the foam core pieces.
19 Stitch 1/8" from the mark lines toward the outside edge. Trim the seam allowance to ¼" and put the fabric squares aside.
20 Press the seam lines flat and turn the fabric cover inside out.
21 Place one 5" x 8" foam piece inside the center of the fabric cover. Using chalk, mark around the foam piece on the side that will be the inside of the box. Remove the foam.
22 Stitch around the two long ends and one short end mark at the center.
23 Replace the foam piece at the center and, using a cording foot, stitch the center closed.
Finish the small box
24 Place the remaining four foam core pieces at the sides. Pinning the box in place, take one side, tuck in the fabric at the top, and glue fabric closed (fabric glue is strong; you don’t need a lot, so make sure glue does not flow out to fabric). Repeat for all sides.
25 At each corner, hand-stitch two sides together at the top point until the pieces form a box.
26 Wrap velvet ribbon around the box, overlapping by 2" at front. Glue the ribbon to the box, and trim the ribbon’s end in a V-shape.
27 Cover one button with polka-dot fabric, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Glue the button to the box’s front as shown.
Make the pencil box
28 Repeat steps 15-27 for the small box.
29 From the green fabric, cut:
1 piece: 6" x 12"
Fold it lengthwise, Right sides facing (so you have a 6" x 6" square).
30 Center the remaining 5" x 5" piece of foam over the Wrong side of the fabric piece, with the top edge against the fabric’s fold.
31 Using fabric chalk, use the foam as a template to mark the left and right sides. Stitch 1/8" outside the mark lines. Press the seams flat and turn the fabric pocket inside out.
32 Place the foam core inside the fabric pocket. Turn the bottom ends in and glue them closed.
33 Glue all three sides of piece (leaving the seamless side unglued and at top) and carefully place inside the small box as shown (avoid spreading the glue).
34 For the pocket, take a 6" x 6" scrap from a green and a blue corner. Place the Right sides together and stitch ¼" from the edge along three sides. Press the seams flat and turn pocket Right side out. Press again and stitch ¼" all around. Glue three ends on the Wrong side and press against the inner side of box.
Excerpted from Dorm Decor: Remake Your Space With More Than 35 Projects by Theresa Gonzalez and Nikki Smith. Copyright 2009 by Chronicle Books. Excerpted with permission by Chronicle Books. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
24" x 36" (¼"-thick) foam core
1 yard (45"-wide) cotton print in green and white
½ yard (45"-wide) cotton print in light blue polka-dot
2 yards (½"-wide) velvet ribbon in teal
2 medium self-coverable buttons
Scrap of polka-dot fabric in brown
1 package double-fold bias tape in brown
Fabric glue
Straight-edge ruler (preferably metal)
Craft cutting board
Craft knife and blade
Sewing machine with a cording foot
Iron and ironing board
Stitch Kit
Skill Level: 301
Makes two 8" x 5" boxes and one 9" x 12" box.
Cut the foam core
1 Use a pencil to label the size of each piece before cutting. On the foam core, mark:
1 piece: 9" x 11½"
2 pieces: 2½" x 11½"
2 pieces: 9" x 2½"
5 pieces: 5" x 5"
6 pieces: 5" x 8"
2 Using a ruler and craft knife, cut the pieces out of foam core.
Prepare the large paper box
3 From the green cotton, cut:
2 pieces: 17" x 19½"
Place the pieces Right sides together.
4 Place one 9" x 11½" and four 9" x 2½" foam pieces over the Wrong side of the fabric pieces, as shown. Leave ¼" between the facing 9" sides.
5 At the corners, use fabric chalk to mark a square along the foam core pieces, 1/8" from the edges.
Stitch the large paper box
6 Pin at the mark lines and remove the foam core pieces.
7 Stitch 1/8" from the marked lines toward the outside edge. Trim ¼" from the stitch lines and put the fabric squares aside.
8 Press the seam lines flat and turn the fabric cover inside out.
9 Place the 9" x 11½" foam inside the center. Using chalk, mark around the foam piece on the side that will be the box’s inside. Remove the foam.
10 Stitch around the two long ends and one short end mark at the center.
11 Replace the foam piece at the center and, using a cording foot, stitch the center closed.
Finish the large box.
12. Place the remaining four foam core pieces at sides. Holding up one side in place, tuck in fabric at top and glue closed. Repeat for all sides.
13 Hand-stitch two corners together until the pieces form a box.
14 Using fabric glue, glue the bias tape over the top edges all around the box, folding the ends under.
Prepare the small paper box
15 From the green cotton, cut:
1 piece: 20 ½" x 18"
From the blue cotton, cut:
1 piece: 20 ½" x 18"
Place the pieces Right sides together.
16 Place three 5" x 8" foam pieces and two 5" x 5" foam pieces over the Wrong side of the fabric pieces. Leave ¼" between the facing sides.
17 At the corners, use fabric chalk to mark a square along the foam core pieces, 1/8" from edges.
Stitch the small paper box
18 Pin at the mark lines and remove the foam core pieces.
19 Stitch 1/8" from the mark lines toward the outside edge. Trim the seam allowance to ¼" and put the fabric squares aside.
20 Press the seam lines flat and turn the fabric cover inside out.
21 Place one 5" x 8" foam piece inside the center of the fabric cover. Using chalk, mark around the foam piece on the side that will be the inside of the box. Remove the foam.
22 Stitch around the two long ends and one short end mark at the center.
23 Replace the foam piece at the center and, using a cording foot, stitch the center closed.
Finish the small box
24 Place the remaining four foam core pieces at the sides. Pinning the box in place, take one side, tuck in the fabric at the top, and glue fabric closed (fabric glue is strong; you don’t need a lot, so make sure glue does not flow out to fabric). Repeat for all sides.
25 At each corner, hand-stitch two sides together at the top point until the pieces form a box.
26 Wrap velvet ribbon around the box, overlapping by 2" at front. Glue the ribbon to the box, and trim the ribbon’s end in a V-shape.
27 Cover one button with polka-dot fabric, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Glue the button to the box’s front as shown.
Make the pencil box
28 Repeat steps 15-27 for the small box.
29 From the green fabric, cut:
1 piece: 6" x 12"
Fold it lengthwise, Right sides facing (so you have a 6" x 6" square).
30 Center the remaining 5" x 5" piece of foam over the Wrong side of the fabric piece, with the top edge against the fabric’s fold.
31 Using fabric chalk, use the foam as a template to mark the left and right sides. Stitch 1/8" outside the mark lines. Press the seams flat and turn the fabric pocket inside out.
32 Place the foam core inside the fabric pocket. Turn the bottom ends in and glue them closed.
33 Glue all three sides of piece (leaving the seamless side unglued and at top) and carefully place inside the small box as shown (avoid spreading the glue).
34 For the pocket, take a 6" x 6" scrap from a green and a blue corner. Place the Right sides together and stitch ¼" from the edge along three sides. Press the seams flat and turn pocket Right side out. Press again and stitch ¼" all around. Glue three ends on the Wrong side and press against the inner side of box.
