DIY Projects
Project: Reversible duvet cover

Project: Reversible duvet cover
DIY Projects
Project: Reversible duvet cover
It’s perfectly fine to be fickle when it comes to style. One day you want white, the other you want black. (Incidentally, the day you want black may just happen to arrive the day after you spill coffee on the white.) This twin-sized
duvet cover gives you the choice of both so you never get bored. On one side, a romantic damask-inspired print looks fresh and modern with playful pom-poms; on the other, solid black with a border of white rickrack shows off your mysterious side.
P.S. In the 12th century, damask was named after the city of Damascus. This ancient city is famous for its textiles, and it was there that weavers perfected this ornamental print.
2 ½ yards (45"-wide) damask print in cotton
5 yards black pom-pom trim
9 ¼ yards medium rickrack in black
6 ½ yards medium rickrack in white
6 self-adhesive Velcro squares
1 flat twin-sized sheet in black
1 flat twin-sized sheet in white
Sewing machine
Cording foot for the machine (optional)
Iron and ironing board
Stitch Kit
Skill Level: 301
Cut fabric
1 From the damask, cut:
1 front: 32" wide x 90" long (make sure it has an even repeat down the center)
Stitch the trim
2 Turn the damask Wrong side up and iron a 1" fold along each long side.
3 Pin, then stitch the pom-pom trim along each long side of the damask. It’s easier if you use a cording foot on your machine for this step.
4 Turn the damask Right side up and center it on the Right side of the white sheet. Trim any extra sheet fabric that extends beyond the damask’s top and bottom.
5 Pin, then stitch the fabric to the sheet. Use a cording foot and be careful not to sew over the pom-poms.
6 Pin, then stitch a layer of black rickrack 5" from the pom-poms along both sides. (A straight stitch works fine on rickrack.)
7 Pin, then stitch another layer of black rickrack 2" from the first layer, on both sides.
Embellish the reverse side
8 Place the white sheet over the black sheet. Trim any excess black fabric that extends beyond the top and bottom of the white sheet. Put the white sheet aside.
9 Measure and mark 12" from the sides and 4" from the top and bottom of the black sheet.
10 Pin, then stitch a layer of white rickrack along the marked rectangle, mitering corners.
Make the duvet cover
11 Place the white sheet over the black sheet, Right sides facing.
12 Twin-sized duvets are usually 64" wide x 86" long. Measure your sheet width and length and subtract 64 and 86 from those measurements, respectively. Divide the results in half. For example: if your sheet is 16" longer than your duvet then, using your fabric pencil and yardstick, draw a line 8" from the sheet’s top and another 8" from the sheet’s bottom. Repeat for the width.
13 Pin along the marked lines, leaving the cover’s bottom open.
14 Stitch the sheets together along the marked lines at the sides and top, remembering to leave the bottom unstitched. To keep the fabric from fraying, trim the raw edges with pinking shears 1" from the stitch line. If you don’t have pinking shears, sew another line of stitches ½" from the edge to secure the seam.
15 Cut any excess fabric 3" above the bottom marking. Fold, then press under at the marked line. Stitch 1" from the fold around the bottom opening. Again, trim the raw edges with pinking shears. Turn the cover Right side out.
16 Stick Velcro squares to the bottom opening’s inside hem at the corners, at the rickrack layers, and at the pom-poms.
Low-sew option:
1 twin-size duvet cover in white or black
2 ½ yards (45"-wide) cotton damask print
5 yards pom-pom trim in black
9 ¼ yards medium rickrack in black
6 ½ yards medium rickrack in a coordinating color
Fabric glue
2 ½ yards fusible web
Stitch Kit
1 Repeat steps 1 and 2 above. Duvet covers range from 83" to 86" in length. Measure the length of yours and use that number to fold and press the damask top and bottom under to match the length of the cover. Trim the folded-under edges to 1".
2 Repeat step 3 above. Secure the pom-poms’s raw edges under with glue or by tacking.
3 Iron fusible web down over the damask’s entire Wrong side, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pin, then iron the damask to the center of the duvet cover, matching the top and bottom ends.
4 Glue or hand-tack every fifth pom-pom to secure.
5 Stitch the damask along the duvet cover’s opening to secure it in place.
6 Repeat steps 6 and 7 above, folding and securing the rickrack under 1" at ends.
7 Repeat steps 9 and 10 with the coordinating color on the reverse side.
Excerpted from Dorm Decor: Remake Your Space With More Than 35 Projects by Theresa Gonzalez and Nikki Smith. Copyright 2009 by Chronicle Books. Excerpted with permission by Chronicle Books. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
P.S. In the 12th century, damask was named after the city of Damascus. This ancient city is famous for its textiles, and it was there that weavers perfected this ornamental print.
2 ½ yards (45"-wide) damask print in cotton
5 yards black pom-pom trim
9 ¼ yards medium rickrack in black
6 ½ yards medium rickrack in white
6 self-adhesive Velcro squares
1 flat twin-sized sheet in black
1 flat twin-sized sheet in white
Sewing machine
Cording foot for the machine (optional)
Iron and ironing board
Stitch Kit
Skill Level: 301
Cut fabric
1 From the damask, cut:
1 front: 32" wide x 90" long (make sure it has an even repeat down the center)
Stitch the trim
2 Turn the damask Wrong side up and iron a 1" fold along each long side.
3 Pin, then stitch the pom-pom trim along each long side of the damask. It’s easier if you use a cording foot on your machine for this step.
4 Turn the damask Right side up and center it on the Right side of the white sheet. Trim any extra sheet fabric that extends beyond the damask’s top and bottom.
5 Pin, then stitch the fabric to the sheet. Use a cording foot and be careful not to sew over the pom-poms.
6 Pin, then stitch a layer of black rickrack 5" from the pom-poms along both sides. (A straight stitch works fine on rickrack.)
7 Pin, then stitch another layer of black rickrack 2" from the first layer, on both sides.
Embellish the reverse side
8 Place the white sheet over the black sheet. Trim any excess black fabric that extends beyond the top and bottom of the white sheet. Put the white sheet aside.
9 Measure and mark 12" from the sides and 4" from the top and bottom of the black sheet.
10 Pin, then stitch a layer of white rickrack along the marked rectangle, mitering corners.
Make the duvet cover
11 Place the white sheet over the black sheet, Right sides facing.
12 Twin-sized duvets are usually 64" wide x 86" long. Measure your sheet width and length and subtract 64 and 86 from those measurements, respectively. Divide the results in half. For example: if your sheet is 16" longer than your duvet then, using your fabric pencil and yardstick, draw a line 8" from the sheet’s top and another 8" from the sheet’s bottom. Repeat for the width.
13 Pin along the marked lines, leaving the cover’s bottom open.
14 Stitch the sheets together along the marked lines at the sides and top, remembering to leave the bottom unstitched. To keep the fabric from fraying, trim the raw edges with pinking shears 1" from the stitch line. If you don’t have pinking shears, sew another line of stitches ½" from the edge to secure the seam.
15 Cut any excess fabric 3" above the bottom marking. Fold, then press under at the marked line. Stitch 1" from the fold around the bottom opening. Again, trim the raw edges with pinking shears. Turn the cover Right side out.
16 Stick Velcro squares to the bottom opening’s inside hem at the corners, at the rickrack layers, and at the pom-poms.
Low-sew option:
1 twin-size duvet cover in white or black
2 ½ yards (45"-wide) cotton damask print
5 yards pom-pom trim in black
9 ¼ yards medium rickrack in black
6 ½ yards medium rickrack in a coordinating color
Fabric glue
2 ½ yards fusible web
Stitch Kit
1 Repeat steps 1 and 2 above. Duvet covers range from 83" to 86" in length. Measure the length of yours and use that number to fold and press the damask top and bottom under to match the length of the cover. Trim the folded-under edges to 1".
2 Repeat step 3 above. Secure the pom-poms’s raw edges under with glue or by tacking.
3 Iron fusible web down over the damask’s entire Wrong side, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pin, then iron the damask to the center of the duvet cover, matching the top and bottom ends.
4 Glue or hand-tack every fifth pom-pom to secure.
5 Stitch the damask along the duvet cover’s opening to secure it in place.
6 Repeat steps 6 and 7 above, folding and securing the rickrack under 1" at ends.
7 Repeat steps 9 and 10 with the coordinating color on the reverse side.
