Tips & Tricks
5 Tricks To Save On Your Heating Bills

Photography, Matthew Henry,
Tips & Tricks
5 Tricks To Save On Your Heating Bills
When the mercury plummets, electricity consumption soars.
These tips will keep you warm without racking up unnecessary expenses. P.S. Tip number five is genius!
1. Maximize natural heating sources by opening curtains when the sun is shining on the windows and closing them in the evening to conserve heat.
2. Clean ventilation grilles and clear plinths and heating outlets.
3. Reduce the temperature by 3°C at night and when the house is unoccupied during the day. Keep the temperature in unoccupied rooms at 15 ̊C (yes, we know that’s chilly, but no one is in there!), and make sure to keep the door to those rooms closed.
4. Opt for electronic thermostats, which are more reliable than bimetallic ones, according to Hydro-Québec. These can cut annual heating costs by up to 10 percent.
5. Reverse the movement of ceiling fans to allow heat to be redirected downwards.
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