Around the house resolutions 2012

Around the house resolutions 2012
Around the house resolutions 2012
- “No matter how much work I do to my home, there are always tasks that remain to be done. Last year, I undertook a bathroom renovation, which was much needed but expensive. So 2012 will be about smaller, more manageable projects. One thing I really want to do is update all the door knobs in my home. I’ve got my eye on some faux crystal and satin chrome door knobs – they’re lovely, inexpensive and will add instant glam!” -- Natalie Bahadur, Senior Web Editor
- "My biggest secret is that I've been covering up my hoarding problem by describing it as being "a collector." Even worse, my husband is also a hoarder. My around the house resolution is to have clearly marked open bins in EVERY room in the house with everyone's names clearly marked. Chaos may still reign, but at least the bins are a 'no excuse' way to be somewhat organized." -- Erin McLaughlin, Editor-in-Chief
- "I’ll be moving into a new place in the New Year, so my resolution is to focus on getting it as organized as possible! Hopefully I maintain it throughout the rest of 2012!" -- Eryn Chesney, Editorial Assistant
- "I'm so picky when it comes to my wall decor, it's always the last decor task to complete my home. After spending the last half of 2011 sourcing furniture and the essentials for my new apartment, I can finally tackle the bare walls! I've decided to have photographs professionally printed into large poster-sized prints and canvases. I'm by no means a card-carrying photographer, but I am a sucker for personalized, unique decor. I can't wait to see how they turn out and to fill my home with loved ones and memories!" -- Elaine Song, Web Editor
- "Declutter and reorganize my small living room. I have planned to paint my first floor to white to be my first home project for this year." -- Florence Kwok, Senior Associate Art Director
- "Clean up my paper trail: Organize bills, receipts and other important papers into file folders. Toss papers that are dated or useless, making sure to shred anything with personal information, such as a credit card or social insurance number. Maintain separate baskets to sort mail and correspondence." -- Amanda Etty, Assistant Editor
- "Find a house to have resolutions for! After getting married and picking out all these great small appliances and gorgeous china, I'd love a house with a formal dining room and a functional kitchen!" -- Jessica Waks, Design Editor
- "I’m setting up a 20 minutes a day policy this year. Every day I’ll devote 20 minutes to doing whatever I can around the house, whether it’s doing up the dishes, prepping tomorrow’s meal, cleaning the bathroom sink, folding laundry or just gathering up stray items and placing them in the rooms they belong. I figure 20 minutes is a manageable amount of time for me – not too long! – and it’s also enough to get something noticeable done. If I can keep this up for the month of January, I think I’ll have enough momentum to keep going, and then it will just become part of my daily routine. Fingers crossed!" -- Suzanne Moutis, Executive Editor
- "Get rid of clutter! A good time to do this is in the winter where you spend most days indoors!" -- Sofia Barros, Senior Associate Art Director
- "Having only moved into my Toronto condo a handful of months ago, there are still many projects on my to-do list! My resolution this year is to take the time to paint an accent wall in my living room. I have a few shades picked out and have been finding it difficult to commit to just one! Adding some colour is just what my small space needs! It will surely liven it up and make it feel more lived in." -- Jennifer Bartoli, Web Content Editor
Lead image courtesy of Pottery Barn.
Keep your home organized with our ultimate list of 99 home resolutions.