Lucyina Moodie is a UK-based stylist and interior designer whose eye for style is (IMHO) nothing short of pure perfection! I just love the
antique chic look of the spaces she designs and her use of
pretty pastels that soothe and calm. Since she hails from across the pond, it`s unlikely that us Canucks will really be able to call on her services but the photos are certainly a source of inspiration. There`s a
simple charm in these designs, a look that heralds an era long gone. Her style makes me think of a simpler time and reminds me to celebrate the important things in life.
For more information, visit:
lucyina.com For more design inspiration, check out these articles:
15 secret decor tips 15 tricks that will make your home look like it jumped off the pages of Style at Home.
Design lesson: Living well Improve your quality of life at home
. Organizing 101: Making your home a haven Create a space that's beautiful and reflects who you are so that you feel at home with these home organizing tips.