Buying Guides
makeover monday: paint projects

Buying Guides
makeover monday: paint projects
A lot of times when I head out shopping, it's rare to find exactly what I'm looking for. I'll fawn over a great duvet cover, but it's only available in King. I'll spot a fabulous chair but it has a big stain on the upholstery. More than often, I'll find a fantastic patterned throw cushion, but it won't be available in the colour I need. As you can imagine {since most experience the same frustration}, this can get tiring. Lately though, I've embraced imperfections -- it becomes an improvement project rather than just a pretty purchase. Below are two pieces I've bought because of their shape, but I'm not crazy about the colour. Both are
HomeSense purchases (love, love, love) -- the
mirror was $35 and the
table was $50. By default, I immediately thought to spray them white, but now I'm rethinking --
should I paint them a bold hue to add a pop of colour to my place?
So this is where I need your help -- what colour should I paint them? Most of my walls are a light grey {'Clamshell' from the Style at Home Colour Collection} so use that as a starting point. I'm thinking maybe a plum for mirror and a deep navy for the table. Let me know what you would do! xo, Lauren P.S. You'll notice there are two random pink tiles in our bathroom. They have been there since we moved in and they are the bane of my existence.
