After just blogging about the
mosaic eggs at Etsy, I couldn`t not share these ones with you, too. How adorable! These lovely little guys come in a set of three and make such a
sweet decoration for the Easter season. Place in a bowl for a centerpiece or buy multiple sets and string them together to make a decorative streamer. Available on
Etsy (but originating in Harrisville, NH) a set of three costs $10.50 and come in
three bright spring colours. If this lovely craft has inspired you, don`t forget to unleash your own creative spirit this weekend by trying these easy projects:
Hydrangea eggs
Silver and gold eggs
Tiny chalkboard eggs
PLUS: Don't forget to check out our other
Style at Home blogs, if you haven't already.
Executive editor Laurie Grassi's blog
Natural Chic is about stylish eco-friendly and green living.
Senior editor Lauren McPhillips' blog
Tech Style is about the coolest gadgets for your home and your life, plus handy tips on technology.
Associate design editor Brett Walther's blog
Style Sleuth keeps you up-to-date about what's on the market and behind the scenes in the design world. Enjoy!
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