Buying Guides
order in the media room

Buying Guides
order in the media room
No matter how well decorated, a media room or
office loses its style factor once you factor in the colony of tech boxes connected to the TV or computer by a tangle of cords. Whether it's the cable box or game console, the internet router or an external hard drive, what the tech lover in you craves, the decorator in you hates. That's why I'm thrilled to have chanced upon
HIDEit Mounts. The company makes affordable discreet holders for all those ugly tech accessories that you can mount up and out of the way. Some are made to hide on the wall behind your flatscreen, others can hang off your monitor. All of them solve the issue of unattractive electronics cluttering precious console and desktop space – because after all, those zones are best reserved for the likes of a pretty vase of
flowers or a picture frame holding a sentimental snapshot. Am I right?
