Buying Guides
this or that: pillows

Buying Guides
this or that: pillows
Winter may not officially arrive until next month but let's be honest - winter unofficially arrived weeks ago. I don't mind the cold outside, especially leading up to Christmas. Along with the chill, there's a peace in the air at this time of year, so I don't usually start complaining about the cold weather until January. The first of January. But when winter first graces us with her presence, I enjoy nesting and creating a
cozy space inside to retreat to when the blustery winds force us all indoors. In the spirit of the season, I've been looking at these two throw pillows below. They're both under $40 and they're the perfect accessory for the couch - where I intend to spend a lot of time over the coming cold months.
{TOP:} All is Calm, All is Bright Pillow,
Pottery Barn, $38.75
{BOTTOM:} Baby It's Cold Outside pillow cover, $24.95,
Dear Lillie
Which pillow do you like better?
