Buying Guides
tracy kendall wallpaper at anthropologie

Buying Guides
tracy kendall wallpaper at anthropologie
Flipping through
Anthropologie's gorgeous September 2009 catalogue, I was pleasantly surprised to find something remarkably familiar in a pretty shot on page 24...
That intricate wallpaper on the far right was designed by none other than
Tracy Kendall, the uber-creative wallcovering designer
I had the chance to speak with not too long ago on this blog!
This particular design,
Midsummer Night's Wallpaper, takes actual quotes from the Shakespeare work, and sees them hand-stitched on wallpaper. So sweet! And what a coup for Tracy to get picked up by
Anthropologie in addition to
Hollace Cluny here in Toronto, where I first met the talented Ms Kendall. Congrats!
